SEO has become one of our most sought after services at The Ipswich Web Design Company. Because businesses know that their customers are searching for their services online. And if you want to get in front of them, you need to be ranking highly in Google and Bing.

There are potentially hundreds of customers that are searching online for a service you can provide, and the only reason they’re going to your competitors website instead of yours is because you don’t come up first in the search engines.

This is why many business owners come to us for the solution. Because ranking in the search engines isn’t as easy as it used to be, and it takes a lot of hard work and dedication. Fortunately, SEO is a service we have been providing for a number of years and have had some amazing success stories throughout our time.

Because the truth is, most SEO companies don’t even really know what they’re doing themselves. They focus on all the wrong things and take forever to get anything done. Whereas with our experience, we can get the job done right the first time.

We’ve had countless customers come to us after trying another SEO agency, with all sorts of horror stories about paying thousands per month and getting nothing in return.

SEO Services in Ipswich

So how do we actually get SEO results?

It’s simple. Google actually tells you everything you need to know to get your website ranked online. Where most people go wrong is they don’t read the documentation. If you were to read the documentation, you would know that many of the SEO tasks performed by agencies are a complete waste of time.

What really works is producing high-quality content that is keyword optimised and encourages the conversion.

Content writing

You cannot simply write content and expect it to rank on Google. It needs to be written to appease the Google algorithms.

It is true that it needs to appeal to people, and that’s what really matters because that’s the end goal. But your content needs to be optimised around keywords that get consistent searches every month.

And the keyword needs to be achievable for your domain. There are keywords many people are trying to rank for that they have zero chance of ranking for. And so they will spend days working on a piece of content that will never be seen. If they were to have performed professional keyword research, they would have likely found a more achievable keyword that would be bringing you in website visitors for the rest of time.

Keyword research

Keyword research isn’t as simple as finding keywords that get a lot of searches and creating content around them. Because what’s more important is the intentions behind the keyword. For the most part, your service pages do not want to be optimised around keywords that have “informational seeking Intent”.

Your service pages need to be optimised around keywords with “commercial Intent”. Things people type into Google when they are looking to order a product or enquire about a service.

The keyword also needs to be achievable to your website. Because some websites and more powerful than others. A large well-known company in your industry is always going to rank for the most competitive keywords. And trying to outrank them for them is often a waste of time and money. Instead, we find other search terms that people are actively typing in and rank for those. This grows your website’s visitors and increases the amount of leads that come through your website.

Link building

The way you get your website to become more authoritative online is to build links to it. But not just any old links. Because in 2019 Google isn’t stupid. In fact it’s one of the most intelligent pieces of artificial intelligence software ever written. You can’t trick Google with a load of low-level links anymore.

Instead, you need to focus on acquiring links the natural way, which involves creating high-quality pieces of content that help people online solve a problem. If your content is genuinely good and helpful, people will eventually start to link to it. This will increase the power of your website and allow you to rank for more competitive keywords. This is often achieved through blogging.

We also perform guest blogging services where we get your business featured on other businesses websites. This is another method we use to build backlinks to your website and grow your organic traffic.

Blogging for SEO

By creating unique high quality blogs, you can rank for informational keywords in your industry. This allows you to establish yourself as an industry leader online, and build the power of your website as mentioned previously. This is because high quality blogs naturally attract backlinks to your site.

We research all the most commonly asked questions in your industry and create high-quality pieces of content around those questions. We then code the pages using schema markup, which helps Google to better understand the contents of the page.

The results of this method have been quite astonishing.

Monitoring Google Analytics and the Google Search console

By monitoring google Analytics and the search console, we are able to check what is and isn’t working on a monthly basis. This allows us to make better decisions and continuously grow the power of your website.

One of the biggest ranking factors that many people don’t know about is time on page.

This is because Google can actually see how long website visitors are spending on your web pages.

And if they aren’t spending much time on them, it’s a pretty clear indication to Google that your website isn’t very good.

This is why we constantly monitor and track the performance of your website on a monthly basis to ensure your site is performing well and giving Google all the right signals.

Because when Google says that people are spending a long time on your web pages and not bouncing off and visiting another website instead – Google will reward you with higher rankings and therefore more traffic.

white hat SEO growth
SEO growth for our electrical appliance e-commerce client during the past 3 months

SEO services we offer

We offer the full range of SEO services. From monthly SEO packages to guarantee your SEO success, to a more affordable consultation service that allows you to learn directly from one of our SEO experts about how to implement your own strategy.

If you would like to talk to a member of staff about the most suitable SEO service we can provide your business, give us a call today on 01473 599012 or drop your details into the form below.